Special Collections Access and Use Policy

Savery Library’s Special Collections include rare books, manuscripts, maps, art, photographs, sound recordings, and other materials. Special Collections is committed to acquiring, processing, preserving, and making available primary sources and other rare materials that support the teaching and research missions of Talladega College. These collections are non-circulating, but patrons may consult the special collections librarian to access these materials. The specific protocols and procedures listed below are created to fulfill these objectives.
Special Collections is committed to providing open and equitable access to its collections in accordance with legal requirements, privacy considerations, donor agreements, and institutional policies. For more information on access procedures for specific archival collections, please refer to the collection’s finding aid. All requests to view Special Collections materials must be submitted to the special collections librarian.
Use and Reproduction
Special Collections provides photocopying, photographic reproduction, and digitization services to researchers for a fee. All duplication is done by Special Collections staff.
Researchers are responsible for using Special Collections physical and digital materials in conformity with United States copyright law as well as any donor restrictions and institutional policies accompanying the materials. Copyright for official College records is held by Talladega College. The library claims only physical and digital ownership of many collections. For more information about copyright policy, please visit: Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17).
Brief Summary of Reading Room Protocol
- Check in at the circulation desk.
- Paper, pencils and gloves are provided at the reading room desk. Pens are not permitted.
- Request forms should be filled out completely before materials are retrieved.
- Food and drinks are not permitted.
- Cell phones should be placed in a silent or vibrate position.
- Visitors under the age of 15 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to use the collections.
Research Protocol
Special Collections is committed to providing the best possible service to all its patrons. We prefer to receive research requests either through our Research Request form available on the Savery Library website or via email to tcarchives@talladega.edu. We do, however, also take questions over the telephone at (256) 761-6284.
We respond to research requests in the order that they are received. Please keep in mind that we receive numerous requests and we have limited staffing who work in this area. We appreciate your patience.
Reproduction Services and Associated Fees
Special Collections provides photocopying, photographic reproduction, and digitization services to researchers for a fee.
Reproduction for research purposes is permitted, and we reserve the right to decline photocopying, photographic reproduction, and digitization orders for collections materials due to copyright, confidentiality, or condition.
We reserve the right to limit the use of our collections for commercial purposes. Formal permission is required for any commercial use or publishing/broadcasting for commercial or non-commercial purposes.
All copies are made by staff, with attention to handling of rare materials. We reserve the right to refuse photocopy service based on condition, confidentiality or copyright.
Imaging and Digitization
All requests for digitization should be made to the special collections librarian. If the image is for publication, an application to publish is also required, and may require an additional commercial use fee. Standalone requests are also provided if you have digitization needs that don’t require publishing permission or are seeking permission to publish items you don’t need to have digitized (i.e., items you’ve previously requested and received).
Donating to the Collection
- Prospective donors to Special Collections should consult Savery Library’s general policies on collections and gifts to familiarize themselves with Savery Library policies. Items offered for donation to Special Collections may be a better fit for the main collection. The final decision as to where items best belong rests with library administration.
- Staff will evaluate items offered for donation based on their content and condition.
- Prospective donors must submit an inventory or description of the items prior to their examination by Savery Library staff.
- Prospective donors must identify copyright holders of the materials or show they have made a good faith search to identify them.
- At the time of donation, donors who are not the copyright holders of collections which contain mostly copyrighted materials must provide a license from the copyright holder(s) granting permission to digitize donated materials to provide access online and to researchers.
- At the time of donation, donors who are the copyright holders must convey the copyright or grant permission to Savery Library to digitize materials to provide access online and to researchers.
- Releases are required from the performers of musical, dramatic, or other artistic productions and from interviewers and subjects of oral histories granting permission to provide access online and to researchers.
- Donors of manuscripts, personal papers, rare books, maps, photographs or other graphic materials, and materials related to Talladega College should contact:
Special Collections Librarian
Savery Library
Talladega College
627 Battle Street W
Talladega, Alabama 35160
(256) 761-6284