General Policies

Savery Library Mission Statement
The mission of Savery Library is to provide students, faculty and staff with the resources and opportunities to support the mission and goals of Talladega College by selecting, acquiring and maintaining materials in all formats. Exemplary leadership in accessing, using, and evaluating the library's program is a commitment strongly valued for maintaining a quality academic support unity for all patrons.
Unifying Principles
In our interactions with students:
- We believe the students should be treated with professionalism and respect.
- We believe the library should be accessible to everyone.
- We believe the library should provide an environment conducive to learning and productive work.
- We believe in promoting library literacy.
- We believe in the use of plain, simple language.
In our interactions with colleagues:
- We will endeavor to apply the above principles.
- We will endeavor to understand each other's work and recognize each other's areas of expertise.
- We will endeavor to foster a team approach to meeting the
- challenges of our work.
- We will endeavor to operate under the principles of consensual decision making.
Code of Ethics
The statements which follow set forth the ethical obligations of individuals as Savery Library staff members:
- To maintain the principles of the ALA Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read Statement.
- To maintain the principles of the Savery Library mission statement and unifying principles.
- To understand and execute the policies of the college and library, and to express in a positive manner any concern or objection with the policies, philosophy or programs of these institutions.
- To maintain an objective and open attitude of understanding, courtesy, and concern for the patrons' needs.
- To protect the essential confidential relationship which exists between a library user and the library.
- To serve all patrons equally according to their needs.
- To make the resources and services of the library known and easily accessible to all current and potential users.
- To avoid any possibility of personal financial gain at the expense of the employing institution.
- To be aware of the obligations of employment and of what constitutes abuse of working conditions and benefits.
- To acknowledge the importance of the work done by all staff in all divisions of the Library.
- To maintain a sense of loyalty, respect, and cooperation in our relationships with fellow staff members.
- To carry out assignments so that fellow staff members need not assume added responsibilities, except in times of emergency.
- To share knowledge, experience, and expertise with others.
- To use the resources of the library and college in an efficient and economical manner, consistent with the best service to the library user.
- To use care and discretion to distinguish between private actions and speech, and those actions and speech which are taken in the name of the institution. This policy should be interpreted as consistent with the rights of an individual to take part in public debate, and to engage in social or political activity.
Purpose and Goals
In support of the stated goals and objectives of Talladega College, the library has developed a unified program of library-media resources and services. The purpose of this program is to enhance instruction and learning in a manner consistent with the philosophy and curriculum of Talladega College.
The goals of the Library are:
- To provide organized collections of print and non-print resources which will meet institutional and instructional requirements as well as the individual needs of students.
- To create an environment in which resources are made readily accessible, not only through the provision of appropriate facilities, furnishings, equipment, and supplies, but particularly through the provision of adequate staff.
- To facilitate learning and community services by providing services, resources, and facilities which encourage and stimulate individualized instruction, independent study, and effective use of resources by students, faculty, and the community.
Diversity Statement
Talladega College Savery Library recognizes its exceptional role in promoting diversity within the college and our local and global community. The Library cultivates and encourages diversity and multiculturalism through its collections, programs, services, and human resources. The Library:
- understands the value of diverse co-existence and interdependence.
- actively works towards an environment of respect.
- fosters a spirit of fairness and tolerance for human differences.
The library ensures all users equal access to its collections and services. The Library's work environment and ethic reflects inclusive and participatory practices, as well as the responsibility for preventing bias and insensitivity. We work towards equal access without regard to:
age | disability | income | national origin | sexual orientation |
ancestry | employment status | interests | origin | veteran status |
class | ethnicity | language | politics | |
color | gender | learning style | race | |
culture | ideology and/or opinions | marital status | religion |
The Library addresses diversity in 4 interrelated contexts:
- the workplace environment
- the library environment
- the learning environment
- the cultural and social environment
The workplace environment
We value and promote diversity amongst coworkers, which encourages creativity, debate, innovation, and organizational progress. To accomplish these goals, we encourage diverse hiring and promotion, and foster respectful and participatory communication and collaboration.
The library environment
We value and promote diversity as a library and as library professionals. To accomplish these goals, we encourage and promote:
- access to information services.
- variety and scope of material and services.
- flexibility and adaptability of materials and services.
- elimination of technical, administrative and system barriers.
- reflection and promotion of multiple viewpoints, world views and perspectives in the library's collections and services.
The learning environment
We value and promote diversity among all library users, including students, faculty, staff, and community members. To accomplish these goals, we actively use methods and practices that emphasize a flexible and empathetic approach to each library user.
The cultural and social environment
We value and promote diverse lifelong learning and information literacy as pathways to an informed community. We value and promote cultural awareness and social responsibility as pathways to fostering an appreciation of a diverse world. To accomplish these goals, we actively use methods and practices that foster a diverse view of the world and its cultural and social environments.